Introduction to HTML Image Tags
HTML is an incredibly useful language for creating and displaying content on the web. One of the foundational elements of HTML is the image tag, which allows you to display images on a webpage. The tag is used to add an image to an HTML page and can include a caption for the image using the
Understanding the Image Caption Element
Adding an Image Caption to HTML
To add an image caption to HTML, you must first create an

Customizing Caption Styles
You can use CSS to customize the appearance of a caption for an image. For example, you can change the font size, color, and alignment of the caption. You can also use CSS to add a background color to the caption or to create a border around it.
Set the Caption Position for an Image
By default, the caption will appear below the image. However, you can use CSS to set the position of the caption relative to the image. You can use the position property to set the caption to the top, bottom, left, or right of the image.
Utilizing CSS to Make Image Captions
CSS is an incredibly powerful language for customizing the appearance of webpages. It can be used to make image captions look more attractive and to make them stand out from the rest of the page. You can use CSS to add a border around the caption, change the font size, or add a background color.
Troubleshooting Caption Issues
If you are having trouble with captions not displaying correctly on your webpage, there are a few things you can try. First, check the HTML code to make sure the and
Adding captions to images in HTML is a great way to add context and description to images on your website. Pomocí prvků
Existuje několik způsobů, jak vkládat popisky pod obrázky. Jedním ze způsobů je použití textového pole. To provedete tak, že kliknete na kartu Vložení a poté na ikonu Textové pole. Zobrazí se textové pole. Klikněte na textové pole a přetáhněte jej na požadované místo a poté zadejte popisek.
Dalším způsobem, jak napsat popisek k obrázku, je použít funkci Alt Text. Za tímto účelem vyberte obrázek a poté klikněte na kartu Formát. Ve skupině Upravit klikněte na položku Alt Text. Zobrazí se dialogové okno. Do pole Popis zadejte popisek a klikněte na tlačítko OK.
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