Komplexní průvodce vytvářením jednotlivých odrážek v HTML

Introduction to HTML Bullets

HTML bullets are a great way to emphasize certain points or create lists in HTML. They are simple to create and can add a nice visual element to a page. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of creating single bullets in HTML.

What is HTML?

Before we dive into creating HTML bullets, it’s important to understand what HTML is and how it works. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is used to create webpages and add content to them. It’s a coding language that is used to create websites, and it’s also used to create HTML elements like bullets.

Preparing for HTML Bullets

Before creating an HTML bullet, there are some preliminary steps that need to be taken. This includes creating a basic HTML file structure and adding a few lines of code so the browser can interpret the HTML correctly.

HTML Bullet Syntax

Once the basic HTML file structure is in place, the syntax for creating a single bullet can be added. The syntax is fairly simple, and involves using the


  • elements.
    Adding Attributes

    HTML elements can also be given attributes to provide extra information. Attributes are specified within the opening tag, and they can be used to change the appearance or behavior of the element.

    Nesting Bullets

    Bullets can also be nested within other elements, allowing for the creation of multiple levels of bullets. This is done by adding additional


    • elements within an existing bullet.
      Styling HTML Bullets

      HTML bullets can also be styled using CSS to change their appearance. This can be done by adding a class attribute to the


      • elements and then using CSS to style that class.
        Bullet Spacing

        There are also a few other things to consider when creating HTML bullets, such as spacing. By default, HTML bullets have a bit of spacing between them which can be adjusted with CSS.

        Testing HTML Bullets

        Finally, once the HTML bullet has been created, it’s a good idea to test the code in a browser to make sure it works as expected. This is a crucial step that should not be overlooked.

        By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to create a single bullet in HTML. Remember to take the time to practice and test your code before publishing it, and feel free to experiment with different attributes and styling to customize your HTML bullets.

How to make a bulleted list in HTML?

There are a few different ways to create a bulleted list in HTML. The most common way is to use the

    (unordered list) tag. This tag will create a list that uses bullet points. To create a bulleted list, simply add the

      tag at the beginning of the list, and then add the

    • (list item) tag for each list item. For example:
      • Item 1
      • Item 2
      • Item 3

      Another way to create a bulleted list is to use the

        (ordered list) tag. This tag will create a list that uses numbers or letters. To create an ordered list, simply add the

          tag at the beginning of the list, and then add the

        1. (list item) tag for each list item. For example:
          1. Item 1
          2. Item 2
          3. Item 3
How do you add bullets in HTML without list?

You can use the

    tag to create a bulleted list in HTML, but if you want to create a bullet without using a list, you can use the

  • tag with the type attribute set to „disc“ or „circle“. For example:
  • This is a bullet
  • This is another bullet
What is the alt code for a bullet?

The alt code for a bullet is •.

How do you insert a bullet?

There are a few ways to insert a bullet:

1. Select the text where you want to insert the bullet and then click the „Bullets“ button on the toolbar.

2. Place the cursor where you want to insert the bullet and then press Alt+7 on the numeric keypad.

3. Na místo, kam chcete vložit odrážku, napište znakBullet (-).

Umožňuje jazyk HTML vkládání odrážek?

Jazyk HTML umožňuje použití odrážek, kód však není tak jednoduchý, jak by se mohlo zdát. Pro vytvoření odrážky v HTML je třeba použít

Kód pro vytvoření odrážky v HTML je následující: <ul> pro neuspořádaný seznam, který vytvoří odrážky, a <li> pro každou jednotlivou položku seznamu. Pro seznam o třech položkách by tedy kód vypadal takto: <ul> <li>Položka 1</li> <li>Položka 2</li> <li>Položka 3</li> </ul> A výsledek by vypadal takto:

Položka 1

Položka 2

Položka 3